Horse Riding Events Held In Bucharest’s Crangasi Park

A horse riding competition, which will include two obstacle and horse training contests, as well as carriage displays, will be organized in Bucharest’s Crangasi Park over three weekends, starting with May 23, according to the event’s producers.


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Horse Riding Events Held In Bucharest’s Crangasi Park

The event, organized by Bucharest District 6 Hall and the Bucharest Horse Riding Club, represents the first horse riding contest of this type held in Bucharest after 1989.

Between May 23 and 24, 10.00 - 21.00 local time, the Crangasi Park will host an obstacle course contest, horse training and carriage displays, as well as pony rides for children. Entry is free.

The event will continue in the nest two weekend and will include demonstrations in various styles of riding, horse riding games and a presentation of historic horse riding equipment and uniforms.


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