Romanian Unionists Participate In Rallies In Brussels Over Austerity Measures
The meeting in Brussels was organized by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC- CES). Romanian union confederation „Cartel Alfa”, member of ETUC- CES, will send a delagation of 225 people to Brussels.
Demonstrators across Europe protest against austerity measures and demand new jobs and economic growth, Cartel Afla said in a press release.
ETUC unionists demand the implementation of financial transaction fees, the development of low carbon emission industrial policies, a better and more transparent coordination of financial markets and immediate measures to fight social dumping in Europe.
European unionists protest against wage and pension cuts and call on authorities to take the necessary measures to fight poverty. They call on European governments to come up with economic measures to ensure decent salaries and higher pensions.
According to the press release, Europe currently has 23 million unemployed people and the austerity measures implemented by EU governments caused an unprecedented increase of the unemployment rate and poverty.