Hungary Toxic Mud Spill Could Reach Romania Saturday – Emergency Authorities

Emergency authorities in Mehedinti county, south-western Romania, have convened Thursday to decide what must be done regarding the ecological disaster in Hungary and stressed the industrial toxic mud spill might reach Bazias, where the Danube River enters Romania.


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Hungary Toxic Mud Spill Could Reach Romania Saturday – Emergency Authorities

Adrian Draghici, head of the local Water Management System in Mehedinti, said recent analyses on water samples taken from the Danube indicate the toxic sludge might reach Bazias, in the western Romanian county of Caras-Severin, on Saturday, therefore, measures must be taken to to prevent the contaminated slurry from reaching the Danube, which is a source of drinking water for Caras-Severin.

The committee for environmental matters within Romania's Chamber of Deputies asked the Hungarian Parliament to provide detailed information on the ecological catastrophe. Also, Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely asked for information on the way authorities in the two countries are tackling the situation in order to prevent the toxic flood from reaching Romania.

The sludge, which is waste produced during alumina manufacture, swept cars off roads and damaged bridges and homes, forcing the evacuation of 400 residents. At least four people were killed, six were reported missing, 120 injured, many with burns, and about 7,000 are thought to have been directly affected by the spill.

The European Union urged authorities to do everything they can to keep the slurry from reaching the Danube and affecting half a dozen other countries. Greenpeace described the spill as "one of the top three environmental disasters in Europe in the last 20 or 30 years".

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