IAEA Concludes Operational Safety Review of Romania’s Nuclear Power Plant

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts has completed a review of long term operational safety at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant in Romania at the request of plant operator Nuclearelectrica.


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The IAEA team reviewed safety aspects of long term operation at Unit 1, which Nuclearelectrica plans to extend for a total operational lifetime of approximately 60 years.

The Cernavoda nuclear power plant is the only nuclear power plant in Romania and consists of two 650-MWe pressurized heavy-water reactors. Unit 1 went into commercial operation in 1996 and Unit 2 in 2007. The nuclear plant's output covers around 20% of Romania's energy consumption.

Unit 1 is expected to enter an ample modernization process in 2026.


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