The minister said the business environment will welcome this measure.
Ialomitianu added the Finance Ministry is also working on introducing single tax forms to include income statements and social security contribution statements starting next year.
According to the final form of the country’s 2011 draft state budget, social contribution quotas for 2011 are kept at 31.3% for normal work conditions (of which 10.5% to be paid by employees and 20.8% by employers), at 36.3% for excellent work conditions (10.5% to be paid by employees and 25.8% by employers) and at 41.3% for special work conditions (10.5% paid by employees and 30.8% by employers).
The 2011 health contribution quotas were also frozen at 5.5% for employees (including people who do not gain salary income, but must pay health contributions) and at 5.2% for employers.
Next year’s unemployment contributions were kept at 0.5% for employees and 0.5% for employers.
The individual social security contribution quota also includes a 3% contribution to the private pension system.