Integrity Agency Says Fmr Union Leader Marius Petcu Cannot Acount For EUR725,000 In Revenue

Publicat: 17 10. 2011, 12:17
Actualizat: 09 11. 2012, 20:38

The agency said Petcu failed to account for about EUR725,000 in income he amassed while he was head of the Sanitas and CNSLR-Fratia unions.

Integrity agency inspectors started evaluating Petcu’s wealth in November 2010 and found a discrepancy of over 3 million lei (roughly EUR725,312) between his wealth and his income as union leader, the agency said in a press release Monday.

Petcu, one of the wealthiest union leaders in Romania, was indicted in April this year and is awaiting trial for alleged bribe taking.