Employees Of Nokia Factory In Romania To Receive 9% Higher Wages

Publicat: 03 02. 2010, 16:30
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:44

Cartel Alfa Cluj union leader Grigore Pop said in a press conference on Wednesday that all of the factory’s employees will receive the higher salary. „The increase will be done in two stages, 4% as of January 1 and 5% as of April 1,” Pop said.

According to Pop, Nokia has started hiring personnel, after branching out to produce integrated circuits alongside mobile phones. The factory needs an estimated 200 new employees.

Negotiations on the collective labor contract also resulted in a 50 lei (EUR1=RON4.0964) Easter bonus for each employee, an extra ten minute break time for part of the staff and a performance bonus of up to RON200, granted every three months.

Nokia Jucu has 1,600 permanent and 500 temporary employees. The average wage is RON1,200.