IMF Representatives Begin Mission To Romania

A mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) arrived on Tuesday in Romania to commence of week-long analysis of the country’s economic and financial developments, according to a press release issued by the institution.


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IMF Representatives Begin Mission To Romania

“The team will analyze new economic and financial developments, will refresh the macroeconomic prognosis and will discuss the project for the 2019 budget,” said Alejandro Hajdenberg, the institution’s representative to Bucharest.

The visit will also prepare a future mission planned for 2019 regarding Article IV consultations.

In October, the IMF lowered its estimation for Romania’s economic growth, from 5.1% (April) to 4%, while also maintaining its estimation for a yearly 4.7% inflation growth. It also lowered its estimate for the country’s current account deficit, from 3.7% of its GDP in April to 3.5%.

The mission is due to take place until November 12.

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