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Romania’s Pwr Consumption Touches Past Years’ High Due To Cold

Romania’s electricity consumption touched Monday night the highest value of the past years, respectively 9,300 megawatts, due to the cold front sweeping the country and taking temperatures below minus 20 degrees Celsius.
Romania’s Pwr Consumption Touches Past Years’ High Due To Cold
26 ian. 2010, 14:05, English

On Tuesday, electricity demand reached an average of 9,100 MW countrywide, said Adrian Baicusi, the general manager of Romania’s state-owned power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO).

Baicusi participated Tuesday at the inauguration of Transelectrica’s power station Stuparei, near the southern Romanian city of Ramnicu Valcea.

The unit in Stuparei has been upgraded in partnership with Siemens Romania, the local branch of German Group Siemens. Transelectrica paid 28.9 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1319) for the upgrade works.

The Economy Ministry is Transelectrica’s majority shareholder, with a 73.6% stake.