IMF, Romania Agree To "Almost Freeze" Public Salaries - Sources

The International Monetary Fund and the Romanian government agreed to "almost freeze" the public sector salary fund, and authorities could make only certain adjustments, sources close to the talks told MEDIAFAX on Monday.


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IMF, Romania Agree To "Almost Freeze" Public Salaries - Sources

The public salary fund will stay at the current level, but certain increases can be made in some cases, with cutting other salary expenses, in equal amounts.
"IMF condition was at general level, giving the authorities the freedom to set up the adjustments in the inside," the sources stated.
Romania and the IMF representatives also agreed to finalize this year the unitary pay law that would include as many as possible of the current bonuses in the basic salary.
"Both parties agreed the current salaries cannot be reduced, but that basic salaries should include as many incomes as possible. This salary reform will also trigger the restructuring of the public administration," the quoted sources said.

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