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Romanian Govt To Cut Almost 5200 Jobs At Finance Ministry

The Romanian Government will reduce the number of jobs in the Ministry of Public Finance by 14%, or 5,175, more than 95% of which will be eliminated from revenue service ANAF, according to a draft decision.
Romanian Govt To Cut Almost 5200 Jobs At Finance Ministry
Radu Bostan
04 mart. 2011, 21:49, English

The total number of jobs approved for the Finance Ministry will be reduced to 31,027 from 36,202. The ministry’s own departments will be out 207 jobs (11%), bringing its maximum staff size down to 1,654. One of the four current state secretary positions will be eliminated.

At least 500 management positions in the ministry, including its subordinate bodies, will be slashed.

ANAF’s maximum staff size will be reduced by 14%, to 29,100 from 34,027 jobs.

The National Prognosis Commission’s approved staff size will be 96 (down from 112), while the National Property Restoration Authority will have a maximum 177 jobs (down from 202).