Romanian SMEs To Access EU Funds For Expansion Abroad
"Two programs will become functional as of late June. One of them targets the access to foreign markets and provides the funds needed to open new branches abroad, promote the company’s image and create websites. The other program targets to fund all procedures needed to meet high quality and environment standards," Laura Marusca, deputy general manager within the Ministry for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Commerce, Tourism and Liberal Professions, said on the sidelines of seminar "When will bank funding support SMEs development?" organized by Ziarul Financiar daily alongside Romanian lender Alpha Bank.
The two programs target all SMEs, regardless of their CAEN (Classification of Activities in the National Economy) codes.
Marusca said the ministry’s officials will meet with the officials of the Ministry of Economy and Finance on Wednesday to decide on budgets and eligibility criteria, which will be published in the applicant’s guide.
Moreover, the ministry for SMEs must approve the applicant’s guide for funds worth up to 5.56 million lei (EUR1-RON3.6716) targeting investments in the SMEs and consultancy for SMEs. The budgets earmarked for these projects exceed EUR1 billion for 2007-2013 period.