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Romanian Drivers Won’t Be Obliged To Get Snow Tires This Winter

Romanian drivers will not be obliged to equip their vehicles with snow tires this winter and the measure will be implemented starting November 2011.
Romanian Drivers Won’t Be Obliged To Get Snow Tires This Winter
Ioana Tudor
11 nov. 2010, 21:15, English

Romanian Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said Thursday drivers who will cause accidents or block streets because their cars are not properly equipped will be fined and will be compelled to cover road-clearing costs if they get snowed in.

She said insurers will not cover car accident claims in the case of improperly equipped cars.

Boagiu met Thursday with employer and union representatives in the transport sector and agreed to amend the draft act on equipping vehicles for winter. Discussions on the matter will continue next week.

Boagiu said last week the Government would approve in two weeks an emergency decree obliging vehicle owners to equip their cars with snow tires from November 1 to March 31.

The decree also set that drivers failing to observe the law would be fined between 2,500 lei (EUR1=RON 4.2839) and RON4,000.