Romanian Teachers To Stage One-Day Full-Blown Strike Over New Education Law April 22

Publicat: 18 03. 2010, 18:01
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:49

Nistor said all schools will cease activity on March 25 to hold debates on the draft education law, adding teachers will not register students’ grades starting March 22 and will boycott national tests.

Nistor said teachers will picket the Government, the Education and Labor Ministries buildings on March 25, while classes will be suspended to hold debates on the draft education law.

On April 14, education union executive offices will analyze the propositions made during debates on the draft education law and will draw up a report that will be further sent to the Parliament.

Education unionists decided to stage a one-day full-blown strike on April 22 and go on a full-blown strike indefinitely starting June if authorities fail to bring viable solutions to the problems the educational sector is facing.