The monthly salaries of the 24 managers total EUR105,000, an amount to which earnings for the managing boards positions are added, and total wages add up to EUR350,000 a month, Berceanu said.
According to him, Liviu Bobar, the general manager of Romanian rail freight company CFR Marfa, and Alexandru Noaptes, the general manger of state-owned passenger railway company CFR Calatori, have a monthly salary of 18,750 lei (EUR1=RON3.9297) each.
Dorin Debucean, the general of the national road authority CNADNR earns RON19,000 per month, while Gabriel Tara, the chief of the Otopeni Airport has a monthly salary of RON21,000, similar with the one of Romanian state-run airline TAROM’s manager, Gheorghe Birla.
The highest salary among the 24 managers is of RON37,000 a month and is earned by Francu Aleador, the general manager of the Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration ROMATSA, and the lowest one is received by Ovidiu Bobeica, the general manager of the Romanian national railway company SNCFR, of RON6,000 a month.
Berceanu took over the Transport Ministry from Ludovic Orban.
The Transport Ministry’s handing over and receipt procedures began Tuesday and will be completed at the beginning of next week.