"Romania targets with priority the development of the Nabucco project, of the Constanta-Trieste gas pipeline and the construction of a liquefied natural gas terminal in Constanta. These projects are on our agenda, but we are not neglecting the other European projects under debate. Romania has the strategic advantage of holding an important position in any of them," Boc said at the Mediafax Talks about Energy conference.
Asked if he included South Stream in the list of the European projects in which Romania would like to be involved, Boc answered the country might take part in all the projects.
"I was referring to all the colours, White Stream, Blue Stream, South Stream. Romania can be part in any of those, but we have to see whether the European Union and the other partners are inclined to support one or the other," Boc said.
He added the most important thing for Romania is to play a strategic role in any of them.
But Boc said the discussion is not specific right now, as it takes into account the international context and Romania’s energy policy.
Nabucco, linking Turkey to Central Europe via Romania, aims to supply natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Central Europe via Turkey and Romania, bypassing Russia. The project is sustained by the European Union and the USA.
South Stream is developed by Russia’s Gazprom and Italy’s ENI, aiming to deliver Russian natural gas towards Europe, bypassing Ukraine.