Romanian State Agencies To Transfer Collected Fees To State Budget

Publicat: 14 09. 2009, 17:25
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:29

The Romanian Government decided in the Sunday meeting to change the financing regime of these agencies, official sources told Mediafax.

Until now, the respective agencies were fully or partially financed from own sources, namely the taxes collected for various services. From now on, though they will continue to collect those fees, the money will be transferred to the state budget, the sources said.

Other state agencies whose revenues will be transferred to the government are the State Inspectorate for Constructions, the National Commission for Nuclear Operations CNCAN, the National Prognosis Commission CNP, the National Authority for Consumers’ Protection, the Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments ARIS, the Nuclear Agency, the Industry Privatization Office OPSPI etc.

Premier Emil Boc said Monday the agencies have around EUR1 billion budgets, which are were managed according to their own plans.

According to a governmental document obtained by Mediafax, the public institutions subordinated at a central level and financed from own revenue had 3.2 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2747) in opened accounts with the State Treasury at the end of July.