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AH1N1 Flu In Romania: 92 New Infections, 5,071 Total Cases

The Romanian Health Ministry Friday confirmed other 92 new infections with the AH1N1 virus in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 5,071 and 29 fatalities.
AH1N1 Flu In Romania: 92 New Infections, 5,071 Total Cases
18 dec. 2009, 13:31, English

According the Health Ministry, capital city Bucharest registered 17 cases of AH1N1 infections, Arges and Cluj counties (11 cases each), Botosani (8 cases), Suceava and Timis (7 cases each), Brasov (4 cases), Alba, Constanta, Dolj and Ialomita (3 cases each), Calarasi and Prahova (2 cases each), Arad, Braila, Dambovita, Maramures and Olt (1 case each).

There are only 23 producers of vaccine against the AH1N1 virus worldwide, of which seven are European producers. Romania’s Cantacuzino Institute is one of the seven European vaccine producers.