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Romania Launches EUR5.5B In EU-Funded Infrastructure Projects By End-2011

Romania’s Transport Ministry will launch EU-funded projects worth EUR5.57 billion by the end of next year, among which the construction of 289 kilometers of highway and the upgrade of 166 kilometers of railway, Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said Sunday.
Romania Launches EUR5.5B In EU-Funded Infrastructure Projects By End-2011
Oana Gavrila
05 dec. 2010, 15:08, English

„We’re using EUR5.5 billion from the Transport Operating Program and 72% of the ministry’s budget for next year, namely 8.3 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2923), to co-finance these projects,” Boagiu told a news conference.

By the end of next year, the Transport Ministry is to launch auctions for the construction of 289 kilometers of highway worth a total EUR2.5 billion. The highway sections to be auctioned are Nadlac-Arad (38.8 km, EUR234 million), Orastie-Sibiu (82 km, EUR693 million), Deva-Orastie (32.8 km, EUR355 million), Timisoara-Lugoj (35.6 km, EUR217 million), to be completed in 2013, and Lugoj-Deva (99.5 km, EUR1.02 billion) to be completed in 2015.

Romania currently has 314 kilometers of highway and 243 kilometers under construction, to be completed in 2011 and 2012 for a total EUR2.5 billion.

The ministry also plans to upgrade 943 kilometers of national roads for EUR848.45 million, using a loan form the European Investment Bank.

On the railway segment, the ministry plans to upgrade transport corridor IV and will launch auctions for upgrade works on 166.3 kilometers of rail, for a total EUR1.88 billion, the ministry also plans to modernize 21 trains stations for EUR227 million, the first 16 of which are to be auctioned off in the next two weeks and the remaining five in January.