Medicine Prices Might Rise By About 6.25% As Of April 1 – Romanian Health Min
According to Order 1637/2009, medicine prices are set taking into account the average of the three cheapest prices in 12 EU member states.
Sipos said medicine prices will rise significantly if this order were applied this year, adding it is no longer sustainable for the Romanian consumers.
She also said Romania must abrogate the order and re-enforce Order 75/2009, according to which medicine prices are set at the level of the lowest price in 12 EU states.
Romanian Health Minister Cseke Attila said early February the medicine price would rise starting April 1 as the 2010 state budget law was based on an exchange rate of 4.25 lei for one euro, compared to 4.00 lei per euro in 2009.
The prices of medicine listed in the National Medicine Catalogue are set in April each year according to the exchange rate used in drawing up the budget for the respective year.
The National Medicine Catalogue includes 5,042 medicines whose prices are set by the Health Ministry.
Romanian Association of International Medicine Producers general manager Dan Zaharescu said the 2010 draft law on granting medical assistance throws the compensated medicine system off balance, adding patients will pay more for compensated medicines.
Zaharescu also said the draft law extends to 210 days, from 180 days, the interval in which health insurance houses must pay bills to pharmacies for the medicine sold, adding this will affect pharmacies.
Zaharescu said the medicine producers asked the Health Ministry to freeze the prices of medicine marketed at the moment and set new prices only for medicine that enter the Romanian market.