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PwC: Romanian M&A Market Grows 4% in 2019, to EUR5.2B

The mergers and acquisitions market in Romania returned to growth in 2019, increasing 4%, to EUR5.2 billion, after a 9.6% decline in 2018, a study by PwC Romania and D&B David si Baias showed Wednesday.
PwC: Romanian M&A Market Grows 4% in 2019, to EUR5.2B
Oana Gavrila
26 feb. 2020, 12:33, English

Romania had 215 M&A deals in 2019, 26% more than in 2018, with an average value of EUR24 million. Of the total, 14 deals exceeded EUR100 million each, while 16 deals ranged from EUR40 million to EUR100 million each.

“The M&A market remains interesting in terms of both value and number of deals. Although it has yet to grow back to the record it hit in 2007, of EUR5.8 billion, we are optimistic as many sectors are seeking consolidation, such as medical services, finance and IT&C,” said Dinu Bumbacea, Partner at PwC Romania.

The most dynamic sectors in terms of mergers and acquisitions in 2019 were IT&C, real estate and pharma/medical services.

For 2020, analysts expect the energy sector will be of great interest, as CEZ and Enel are looking to sell their Romanian assets.

The pharmaceutical and medical services sector are expected to continue consolidation, as large market players are always seeking to acquire smaller, specialized players.