Prima pagină » English » Romania 90 Days Overdue Loan Payments Up 3% MM To RON2B In Nov

Romania 90 Days Overdue Loan Payments Up 3% MM To RON2B In Nov

Romanian payments overdue by more than 90 days for loans of at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1355) rose 3.2% on the month in November to RON2.04 billion, central bank data showed Tuesday.
Romania 90 Days Overdue Loan Payments Up 3% MM To RON2B In Nov
12 ian. 2010, 16:03, English

The central bank’s lending risks division CRB said loans late by over 90 days amounted to 2% of the total household loans – both in Romanian lei and in foreign currency – and to 75% of the total overdue payments.

Central bank data showed loans late by over 30 days rose 6% on the month to RON2.69 billion in November, amounting to 2.7% of the total household loans.

End November, the number of late debts reached 979,991, up 55.7% compared with December 2008.