EC To Speak On Romanians In Italy After Official Notice
When asked if the EC has been officially informed about the situation of Romanian citizens in Italy, Cercone said that he cannot give an answer because the Commission receives thousands of messages daily. “We have entire archives so I cannot say who contacts us. We get thousands of messages,” said Cercone, without confirming or denying knowledge. He did say that the EC is following the situation in Italy.
Among the most recent relevant notices sent to the European Commission is one drawn up by two Romanian Liberal Democrat euro-parliamentaries. Marian-Jean Marinescu and Sebastian Bodu asked, in writing, the EC and the Council of the EU to investigate whether the Italian decree on “safety volunteers” is in accordance with European regulations. The notice also asked the Commission and the Council to ensure that Romanian citizens living in Italy are not assimilated into the category of “illegal immigrants” and therefore subject to expulsion from the country.
The decree includes urgent public safety measures aimed against sexual violence and persecution and entered into force in late February. It provides for harsher punishments for sex crimes. Changes were made to provisions of the Italian Criminal Code and Criminal procedure Code, regarding the detention system, immigration laws and the status of foreigners.