Romanian Interior Ministry Sets New Measures To Prevent Multiple Voting
The ministry wants these measures to prevent multiple voting in the upcoming presidential elections.
People who are not in their locality on the date of elections can vote only in special polling stations, according to article 7 index 1 of Law 370/2004, amended and improved, and no extra voting lists will exist this year.
The ministry will set up some 3,300 special polling stations.
The exact number of special polling stations and their location will be set by Government Decision.
The ministry also said that people are obligated to sign a statement that they have been informed about the penalties for casting more than one vote.
The ministry will plant web cameras at the entrance to all special polling stations, which are connected to computers and will record the images of all citizens entering the special stations.
The electronic device containing the images will be sent to the Standing Electoral Authority and may build up extra evidence in case of criminal trials for multiple voting.
„According to article 21 section 5, article 22 section 3 and article 23 section 5 of Law 370/2004, amended and improved, a system transmitting all documents from the polling stations to the Standing Electoral Authority will be organized. It concerns standing electoral lists, the tables containing the names of the citizens who vote in other polling stations that those where they are suppose to vote based on their domicile and their signed statements,” the ministry said.
The Standing Electoral Authority will be able to check these documents and file criminal complaints for multiple voting.