Ion Tiriac, Dinu Patriciu, Ioan Niculae Are Romania’s Richest Businessmen - Top 300 Capital

Romanian businessmen Ion Tiriac, Dinu Patriciu and Ioan Niculae occupy the top three positions in this year’s Top 300 richest Romanians, an annual ranking by business weekly Capital.


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Ion Tiriac, Dinu Patriciu, Ioan Niculae Are Romania’s Richest Businessmen - Top 300 Capital

The three have estimated fortunes of EUR1.5-1.6 billion, EUR1.4-1.45 billion and EUR1.25-1.4 billion, respectively.

While the first two spots are filled by the same people as last year, Niculae, who ranked sixth last year, climbed to the third spot and last year's second runners-up, the Voiculescu family, dropped to the fifth position.

The total estimated fortunes of the 300 richest Romanians, which stood at EUR30 billion last year (nearly a quarter of Romania's gross domestic product), decreased by EUR6 billion. Only 43 businesspeople in the ranking had increasing fortunes, while 169 saw their wealth decrease.

The real estate sector has the most millionaires (140), followed by tourism (65), industry (40), commerce (29), media (18) and pharmaceuticals (14).

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