Romanian Education Unionists To File Criminal Complaint Against Education Min
Pop said replacing assessment panel members is the prerogative of state secretary Oana Badea, not of the minister. He added that if the court finds certain assessment panels illegal, students will have to sit the exam again.
According to the union leader, the minister can amend exam methodology norms, but cannot intervene in the organization of the exam.
Funeriu issued an order which says that high-school graduates can sit the written foreign language exam until June 25. The exam interval was extended in order to avoid potential problems caused by the teachers’ strike.
The order also allows auxiliary teaching staff to sit on the assessment panels of the written foreign language exam and of the computer skills exam for high-school graduates.
Funeriu told MEDIAFAX Tuesday that any citizen has the right to appeal any decision, but that he believes it is the first time in the history of the European Union when „a minister is being sued for impeccably organizing the high-school graduation exam, under difficult circumstances”.
The written foreign language examination for high-school graduates is set to take place between May 31 and June 4. Funeriu said Sunday that the exam will take place according to plan in all the 1,419 exam centers across the country.
According to data provided by the Education Ministry, 10% of the 3,000 teachers involved in the high-school graduation exam announced they would go on strike, and have been replaced.
Education unionists started a full-blown strike on May 31, in protest against the 15% wage cut for public sector employees, and against the new education law.