Romanian Govt Tries To Call Back Migrant Workers

Publicat: 20 02. 2008, 16:53
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:24

The measures are included in the action plan for the return to the country of Romanian citizens working abroad, approved Wednesday by the government.

"There will be information campaigns regarding the opportunities of employment and labor force recruitment for Romanian citizens working abroad, through the organization of job fairs in the areas where there are large communities of Romanians. A first concrete action in this respect will be the Rome Job Fair for Romanians, which will take place on February 23," said a press release issued by the government.

Romanian labor minister Paul Pacuraru said that if the fair is successful, similar actions would be organized in Spain, France or any other country where there are important Romanian communities.

The plan of measures enacted by the Government refers to a system for the stimulation of return and professional reintegration of Romanian citizens, by granting facilities for the development of business, new job generators, including advice regarding access to European funding, assistance programs targeting the adaptation and integration of migrating workers and their families upon return to the country, retraining facilities and professional authorizations, as well as the stimulation of repatriation for highly skilled workers.