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Over 600 Unionists Picket Education Ministry

Over 600 unionists of “Spiru Haret” federation picket the Education Ministry headquarters Friday and are to march up to the Parliament building, protesting against the national pact for education, which they deemed a political scheme used to win votes.
Over 600 Unionists Picket Education Ministry
14 mart. 2008, 12:56, English
Unionists submitted a memo with their demands at the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.
The Federation of Free Unions in Education and the Alma Mater Federation said they would not join the protest, which they said has “political color”.
Education minister Cristian Adomnitei told protesters the laws on education would be complete by mid-April. He added the pact for education has nothing to do with this year’s election campaign.
"You are all educated people and I am sure you will understand and I trust we will continue to collaborate well in the future,” Adomnitei told protesters, adding the pact was not signed by the ministry, but by political parties.