Romania’s PM Urges Health Min To Ban Psychedelic Plant Consumption, Regardless Of EC Approval

Publicat: 05 02. 2010, 11:45
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:44

The prime minister said the consumption of hallucinogenic plants is responsible for numerous deaths among youths.

The request was addressed in a Government meeting Friday when Boc urged the Health Ministry to present the Cabinet with the normative act during its next meeting.

„I want this normative act to be adopted with urgency, irrespective of there being or not an approval on the European Commission regarding the interdiction of psychedelic plant consumption, which has an extremely negative impact on youths and has caused numerous deaths among teenagers. I believe we must take a stand as soon as possible,” said Boc.

The prime minister added the Health Ministry and the Interior Ministry must analyze seriously the issues regarding drugs, including hallucinogenic plants, as the phenomenon seems to be out of control in Bucharest.

Romanian police seized 1.6 tons of drugs last year, of which 1.2 tons of cocaine coming from Brazil.

The quantity of drugs seized in 2009 increased by 400% compared to 2008 and the total market value of the confiscated drugs nears EUR167 million.

The most trafficked drugs in Romania are cannabis, heroin, ecstasy and cocaine. Capital Bucharest has the largest number of drug traffickers and consumers, whose main drugs of choice are heroin and ecstasy.