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DaKINO Fest Gets EUR450,000 Budget, Prizes Top EUR12,000

The 17th edition of the DaKINO International Film Festival has a budget of some EUR450,000, while the value of prizes exceeds EUR12,000, actor and producer Dan Chisu told a news conference Monday.
DaKINO Fest Gets EUR450,000 Budget, Prizes Top EUR12,000
19 nov. 2007, 13:27, English
The total value of prizes fro this year does not include the value of trophies.
"This year we are organizing the 17th edition. There have been good times and bad, but it is important that we’ve made it so far,” Chisu said.
The 2007 DaKINO Festival starts Tuesday with the screening of 16 films in the Fiction section.
Over 93 films will be screened at the Auditorium of the Natioanl Art Museum in Bucharest during the five days of the film festival.
Hollywood productions "Beowulf" by Robert Zemeckis and "The Assassination of JesseJames by the Coward Robert Ford" by Andrew Dominik will be screened outside the competition.
The award ceremony will take place on November 24, followed by the screening of "Atonement", by Joe Wright, starring Kiera Knightley, James McAvoy and Vanessa Redgrave.