Israel Has Not Approved Yet Romanians' Evacuation Requests From Gaza

Israeli authorities have not approved yet any of the 64 evacuation requests from Gaza addressed through the Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv, as most people do not have valid documents, fact which lengthens the check-up period.


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Israel Has Not Approved Yet Evacuation Requests By Romanian Embassy In Tel Aviv

Another factor which delayed approval is the fact that the requests Romania’s Embassy in Tel Aviv were made very late – the first nine requests were formulated on December 31, and the following on January 2.

On the other hand, some of the solicitors had been evacuated from the Gaza Strip in 2007 too, which might be an obstacle.

Until now, Israeli authorities approved 443 evacuation requests for foreign citizens, but less than 200 succeeded in leaving the area.

For now, both crossing points through which Romanian citizens could leave the Gaza Strip – Erez (to Israel) and Rafah (to Egypt) are closed.

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