It Is Time Romania Resumed Relations With Syria – Romanian President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday in a meeting with the representatives of the Syrian Chambers of Commerce and Industries Federation that the message he brings in his official visit is that Romania wishes to resume relations between the two states.


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It Is Time Romania Resumed Relations With Syria – Romanian President

"It is time for Romania to resume political and economic relations with Syria," Basescu told the representatives of the business environment.
He added that, beyond commercial relations, Romania appreciates the political stance that Syria took lately in the region.
"We appreciate the steps taken towards the stability of Lebanon, the negotiations mediated by Turkey with Israel and we have hopes for progress in this direction," Basescu said.
Romanian president Traian Basescu will visit the historic center of Damascus, namely the Ommaya Mosque and the Saint Ananias Church.
He will be accompanied by his wife, Maria Basescu, and Syrian president Bashar-Al-Assad, and his wife.
Tuesday’s agenda also includes a private meal of the two heads of state.

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