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Romania: 184 people confirmed with the new coronavirus

The number of people confirmed with the new coronavirus has increased to 184, 16 more than the last reporting, according to the Strategic Communication Group (GCS).
Romania: 184 people confirmed with the new coronavirus

According to the GCS, the number of people diagnosed with the new coronavirus has increased by 16 cases compared to Monday evening, thus reaching 184 confirmed cases.

There are seven new confirmations in Iaşi, two in Suceava, two in Neamţ and one in Ialomiţa, Mureş, Botoşani, Bistriţa-Năsăud and Vrancea.

Positively confirmed persons are between 21 and 65 years old.

„Of the 184 positively confirmed persons 16 were declared healed and discharged (15 from the hospital in Timişoara and one from Bucharest). Three other persons from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Matei Balş will be released during the day”, GCS states.

In Romania, in institutionalized quarantine are 3.282 people for whom checks are made to detect if they have contacted the virus COVID-19 (coronavirus). Other 16.610 people are in isolation at home and are under medical supervision.

To date, 36 criminal investigations have been reported for the prevention of disease control.