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OLAF Monitors Case Regarding Romanian Fmr Labor Min Involved In EU Fund Scandal

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) addressed the European Commission concerning the impact on the EU budget of the case regarding Romanian former Labor Minister Ioan Botis, who resigned in April amid a EU-funded project scandal, according to the EC.
OLAF Monitors Case Regarding Romanian Fmr Labor Min Involved In EU Fund Scandal

The group of European socialists said in a press release Monday the European Commission answered an interpellation addressed in May by three MEPs regarding the former minister’s case.

The EC said OLAF has already contacted the institution on the implications this case has on the EU budget, as well as the Romanian authorities concerning the legal aspects of the matter.

The EC confirmed Romanian authorities are investigating the situation and OLAF is monitoring this case, reads the press release.

Botis resigned amid allegations of a potential conflict of interest raised by the fact that his wife was an adviser on a EU and Government-funded project.