No Flu Epidemic In Romania – Health Ministry
A ministry press release said the risk of outbreak is average and the number of cases of colds or flu is on the rise.
Cases of A/H1N1 flu infection have been registered all over the country, with centers of contagion in Iasi, Bucharest, Constanta and Mures. The dominant strain, infection with which has resulted in deaths, is A/H1N1, but infection with the B virus and the A virus subtype H3N2 have also been reported. Instances of bacterial and viro-bacterial pneumonia in children have become more frequent, especially because of delays in seeking medical attention.
The press release reports an increase in the circulation of influenza viruses all over the country. This year, there have been 97 confirmed cases of flu, including 64 cases of A/H1N1 flu, 26 cases of B flu, two cases of A/H3N2 flu and 5 cases of A flu, for which the H and N subtype has not yet been determined. Seven of the patients with A/H1N1 flu have died.