J. P. Gaultier Demands EUR760,000 Reparations From Romanian Company For Fake Perfumes
Fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier demands EUR760,000 in reparations from a company in Romanian city Sibiu, which introduced into the country and was about to sell over 19,000 bottles of perfume, marked with the official insignia of the company, but which turned out to be counterfeit.
16 viewsJ. P. Gaultier Demands EUR760,000 Reparations From Romanian Company For Fake Perfumes
According to representatives of the Sibiu Financial Guard, which in November 2009 seized a truck filled with perfumes marked Hugo Boss and Jean Paul Gaultier, samples of these perfumes were sent for an expertise by the two companies.
"Jean Paul Gaultier delivered the results and the perfumes are counterfeit. This is why, the company has decided to enter the case as civil plaintiff and demands reparations worth EUR760,000 from the Sibiu company, a sum which includes EUR360,000 in material damages and EUR380,000 in moral damages. In addition, the Jean Paul Gaultier demanded the destruction of all the counterfeit perfumes at the expense of the Sibiu company," Sibiu Financial Guard director Nicolae Fumurescu told MEDIAFAX.
According to Fumurescu, inspectors found, in November 2009, 19,008 bottles of perfume in the truck inspected. The bottles were marked with insignia similar or identical to that of Jean Paul Gaultier. The market value of the load would be higher than EUR2 million.
Financial Guard inspectors identified the company that was supposed to receive the goods, and the owner is under investigation for counterfeiting and smuggling.
The Financial Guard is still expecting expertise analysis from Hugo Boss, to establish what will happen to the 20,000 bottles of perfume bearing the company's insignia.
At the moment, the truck filled with perfume bottles is kept in special storage by authorities.
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