Jean-Michel Jarre To Play Bucharest Nov 10
French musician Jean-Michel Jarre, considered a pioneer of electronic, synthpop and New Age music, will have a concert in Bucharest on Nov 10, event organizers, the Phoenix Foundation, said.
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Organizers said negotiations with the artist’s management took nine months. The concert venue and ticket prices will be announced soon, organizers added.
Jean-Michel André Jarre (born on Aug 24, 1948, in Lyon, France) is a French composer, performer and music producer, whose career stretches over more than 40 years, and who sold an estimated 80 million albums and singles.
In 1976, People magazine designated Jarre "Personality of the year", and in 1979, the musician made it into the Guinness Book of Records for the biggest concert ever, La Concorde, and topped his own record eight years later with a new concert, Rendez-Vous Houston.
His best known albums include "Oxygène" (1976), "Equinoxe" (1978), "Magnetic Fields/ Les Chants Magnétiques" (1981), "Zoolook" (1984), "Metamorphoses" (2000). His most recent album is "Téo & Téa", launched in 2007.
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