Romanian Ex Priest Bewails Human Rights Violation In Exorcism Trial

Publicat: 03 09. 2008, 10:52
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:02


Corogreanu’s lawyer, Maria Vasi, told MEDIAFAX that the notification filed by Corogreanu, claiming the violation of articles 2 and 6 of the European Convention, is an initial one and the Strasbourg court will now decide if further action is allowed.

Vasi explained that Corogeanu was from the start deprived of the right to rigorous investigation, because when coroners performed the autopsy, the criminal investigation had not yet started. Thus, according to the lawyer, the forensic expertise was not performed from a criminal perspective, because there was no prosecutor to coordinate the objectives of the mentioned examination.

The lawyer added that, in her opinion, the forensic examination, a central component of the case is null and that criminal investigations were not performed minutely.

According to Vasi, the former priest and the four nuns involved in the ritual are not to be held solely responsible, as it was common knowledge that Irina Cornici was ill and she had not received proper care in the Romanian hospitals.

She explained that, as long as there was no thorough investigation, his client could not enjoy a fair trial, such as mentioned in article 6 of the European Convention.

Former priest Corogeanu was sentenced to seven years imprisonment after performing an exorcism ritual on a nun, Irina Cornici, in the "Sfanta Treime" Convent of Tanacu, Vaslui county. The nun died after being kept three days without water and food, immobilized on a wooden cross.