Traian Basescu, Mircea Geoana Among Contenders With Most Election Campaign Donations
According to a report on donations for the presidential election campaign, received and offered by political parties, political and electoral alliances and independent presidential contenders, in accordance with the law regulating presidential elections, Basescu ranks first by value of donations with RON1,592,943, followed by Geoana with a total RON1,090,518.
Independent presidential contender Sorin Oprescu ranks third with RON883,492, liberal head and presidential contender Crin Antonescu comes fourth with RON285,870, ethnic Hungarian presidential contender Kelemen Hunor ranks fifth with RON214,505 and independent Eduard Manole ranks sixth with RON100,000.
Presidential contenders proposed and endorsed by political parties or alliances totaled donations worth RON3,184,286, while independent presidential contenders managed to raise RON983,492, with total election campaign donations reaching RON4,167,778.