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Nearly 70% Of Parents In Romania Refused Uterine Cancer Vaccine For Their Girls

Nearly 70% of parents in Romania refused to have their daughters vaccinated against uterine cancer, the Health Ministry said Wednesday.
Nearly 70% Of Parents In Romania Refused Uterine Cancer Vaccine For Their Girls
03 dec. 2008, 16:43, English

According to reports of county public health authorities, 53,323 doses of vaccine were distributed to nearly half the number of schools in the country during the week Nov 24-28 for fourth grade girls. Authorities registered 37,714 written refusals, namely for nearly 70% of the girls.
"Despite the aggressive misinforming campaign practiced by part of the media, parents have started to understand that vaccination is in their children’s best interest. Vaccines have been distributed to the rest of the schools starting Dec 2 and the first stage of the vaccination campaign continues until Dec 19, when children get their winter break,” the ministry said in a statement.
County healthcare authorities will also carry an intense campaign to inform parents on the need to vaccinate young girls against uterine cancer.   
"The Health Ministry reminds that anti-HPV vaccination is not obligatory and will continue to be based on doctors’ initiative to inform public opinion so that parents of fourth grade girls make the right decision – to vaccinate their children,” the ministry said.
The ministry launched a EUR23 million national vaccination campaign on Nov 20 and about 110,000 fourth grade girls are to be vaccinated against uterine cancer.
Health minister Eugen Nicolaescu said no child would be vaccinated without the parents’ written consent. Also, parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated will have to fill in a form, which local healthcare authorities record to keep track of unvaccinated children.