Judicial Committee Chairman: Bills To Be „Corrected” After Constitutional Court Reasoning

Publicat: 22 10. 2018, 21:59
Actualizat: 21 09. 2019, 02:42

“As for the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, we are waiting on the Constitutional Court decision this week, for the Criminal Code. For the other we are waiting on the reasoning, and according to these and the Venice Commission’s recommendations we will make necessary corrections,” the former justice minister said on Monday.

However, Iordache stated that the Venice Commission was “misinformed” in its initial review of the judicial reform process, and that it did not take into account a recent government decree amending some of the bill’s provisions.

“The only observation was that a series of mistakes were corrected since the preliminary report published this summer, such as the one regarding the lack of thoroughness, which was a misinformation of the Venice Commission,” said the current deputy chairman of Romania’s Lower Chamber.

Romania’s Constitutional Court is set to announce on Wednesday its decision on challenges made by opposition parties and the Supreme Court against a bill amending the country’s Criminal Code.

On October 12, the court decided that 64 provisions of a different bill, amending the Criminal Procedure Code, were unconstitutional, with the reasoning document yet to be published.