Judicial Committee Chairman: Revised Criminal Procedure Code Bill To Be Passed By Christmas

The chairman of the Romanian Parliament’s committee tasked with amending the country’s judicial laws, Florin Iordache, announced that lawmakers will pass a controversial Criminal Procedure Code bill again by Christmas, after previous attempts were ultimately rebutted by the Constitutional Court.


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Judicial Committee Chairman: Revised Criminal Procedure Code Bill To Be Passed By Christmas

The committee modified the bill according to the Constitutional Court decision which found a large number of its provisions unconstitutional.

According to Iordache, the revised version of the bill will be sent to the Senate next week, and should be voted by the Lower Chamber the week after that.

The revised version eliminates the phrase “thorough evidence and clues” which replaced “reasonable presumption” regarding conditions to start prosecution, which was deemed unconstitutional.

In total, the Constitutional Court ruled that a number of 64 provisions of the bill were unconstitutional, out of 100 which were challenged by the Romanian President, the Supreme Court and opposition parties.


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