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GCS: 17 new cases of coronavirus. The number reaches 277, including 25 people cured

There are 17 new coronavirus cases, in Bucharest, Suceava, Cluj, Bistriţa Năsăud, Covasna, Iaşi, Dolj, Ilfov and Constanţa. The total reaches 277, out of which 25 people were cured.
GCS: 17 new cases of coronavirus. The number reaches 277, including 25 people cured

The Strategic Communication Group announces that 277 cases of people infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus) have been confirmed in Romania so far.

Of the 277 people confirmed positively, 25 were declared healed and discharged (16 in Timişoara, 8 in Bucharest and one in Iaşi).

Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, there have been 17 other cases of illness, as follows: 4 in Suceava, 3 in Bucharest, 2 in Cluj, 2 in Bistriţa Năsăud, 2 in Covasna and one in Iaşi, Dolj, Ilfov and Constanţa.

Newly confirmed patients range in age from 19 years to 67 years.

The overall health of the patients is good. At ATI, at this moment, 6 patients are hospitalized, including one in serious condition in Craiova (patient with pre-existing diseases).

On the territory of Romania, in the institutionalized quarantine there are 3.822 persons for whom checks are carried out to detect if they have contacted the virus COVID-19 (coronavirus). Other 33.709 people are in isolation at home and are under medical supervision.

To date, 4.973 tests have been processed at national level. Of these, 4.696 were negative, that is the persons from whom the analyzed samples taken are not infected with COVID-19.

During the last 24 hours, 1.482 calls were registered to the unique emergency number 112 and 5.427 to the TELVERDE line (0800 800 358), opened specially for informing citizens.

We remind citizens to consider only the information verified through official sources and to call for recommendations and other information on the TELVERDE line – 0800.800.358. The TELVERDE number is not an emergency number, it is a telephone line strictly allocated for informing citizens. Also, Romanians abroad can request information about the prevention and control of the virus at their specially dedicated line +4021.320.20.20.

Other decisions, as well as other data of interest will be made available to the public as soon as possible.