Justice Laws Amendment Bill Must Be Assessed Only After It Meets Its Final Form, Says Minister

Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said Friday that those who expressed disapproval on the justice laws amendment bill must wait until bill meets its final form before assessing it, as the piece of legislation might undergo modifications.


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Justice Laws Amendment Bill Must Be Assessed Only After It Meets Its Final Form, Says Minister

The minister said the bill is yet to meet its final form and this is the reason he is yet to ask approval on the bill from the Venice Commission. He added that asking the Commission's approval every time the bill would undergo intermediate modifications would create a negative precedent.

Toader said he refuses to withdraw the bill and that only the government and Parliament hold the competence to do so. The minister emphasized that it is his duty to finish drafting the bill and that he might take into account proposals made by the Superior Council of Magistracy.

The justice laws amendment bill proposes a series of amendments regarding the appointment of the Chief Prosecutor at Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate and of the Prosecutor General, the appointment in leadership positions with the courts and prosecutors’ offices and the subordination of the Judicial Inspection to the Justice Ministry.


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