Romanian Social Democrats To Analyze Ruling Coalition After EP Elections – Party VP
He said many local social democrat leaders are discontent with their collaboration with democrat liberals and ministries headed by social democrats don’t have enough funds and the party needs to analyze how the governing coalition works after EP elections.
"We’re trying to keep this coalition, we’ve made many commitments and we want to finish what we started. We’ll see, maybe after elections we’ll be able to analyze rationally how our collaboration with the Democratic Liberal Party is working,” Dragnea said, adding that some politicians are bound to criticize the ruling coalition during the election campaign.
"It’s certain that there is ample discontent among the party’s local branches and our important ministries, Agriculture, Education, Environment, are always left without money. That creates a great deal of frustration and it is clear that this coalition isn’t working as we had hoped, but we need to analyze things rationally, after the EP elections,” Dragnea said.
On Tuesday, social democrat senator Alexandru Mazare recently said several party branches in the country wish to break the protocol signed with ruling coalition partners democrat liberals and a decision in this respect will be made after EP elections. The senator added that if social democrats decide to break the collaboration protocol, the party will leave the government and switch to opposition.