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AH1N1 Flu In Romania: 82 New Infections, 1,335 Total Cases

Romania’s Health Ministry Sunday confirmed other 82 infections with the AH1N1 virus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infections to 1,335.
AH1N1 Flu In Romania: 82 New Infections, 1,335 Total Cases
15 nov. 2009, 14:32, English

According to the Health Ministry, Ilfov, Olt, Dambovita, Giurgiu and Maramures counties registered one case each, Brasov, Dolj and Harghita counties registered five cases each, 17 infections were reported in Arad county, seven in Bacau, four in Buzau, two in Cluj, 12 in Suceava county and three in Vaslui county.

In capital city Bucharest 17 new infections with the AH1N1 virus were confirmed in the last 24 hours.

Health authorities confirmed Saturday new AH1N1 infections in Arges (2), Botosani (1), Brasov (2) Cluj (5), Dambovita (5), Dolj (9), Galati (5), Giurgiu (1), Harghia (8), Maramures (5), Neamt (4), Prahova (6), Timis (3), Vaslui (6), and Bucharest (36).