Klaus Iohannis: Ludovic Orban has submitted his mandate this evening

Romania's president, Klaus Iohannis, has said, on Tuesday evening, that Ludovic Orban has submitted his mandate as prime minister.


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Klaus Iohannis: Ludovic Orban has submitted his mandate this evening

"Tonight Mr. Ludovic Orban has submitted his mandate of prime minister appointed. The motivation is as simple as it is clear. The regulation of the joint activities of the Chamber and the Senate stipulates a period of 15 days in which it must decide on the Government proposal. They were exhausted without voting. In essence, this situation is due to PSD, who boycotted yesterday's meeting, a vote could not be given. We risk getting into a blockage", Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday evening, at the Cotroceni Palace.

He added that he would have consultations with the parties on Wednesday.

Asked who could be nominated for the position of prime minister and if Nicolae Ciucă would be an option, the head of state replied: "You will find out tomorrow (Wednesday -ed.n.) after the consultations are over".

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