Kovesi: I Do Not Expect Support from the Romanian Government

Romanian prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi said on Wednesday that hse does not expect Government support in her bid to lead the upcoming European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), after she won two votes in European Parliament committees for the role.


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Kovesi: I Do Not Expect Support from the Romanian Government

“I will wait for the response of EU decision-makers. I can tell you that I entered this procedure as a professional prosecutor. I did not have the support of the Romanian Government,” the prosecutor said after returning from her committee hearings in Brussels.

Kovesi also said that she supported courts and prosecuting agencies which suspended their activity in protest to the recent Government judicial decree, stating that her colleagues are “fiercely fighting against the subordination of justice to the political”.

The Romanian prosecutor won two votes in European Parliament’s CONT and LIBE committees for the future office on Tuesday and Wednesday. The next steps in the procedure to appoint the first EPPO chief prosecutor will be decided in the near future, as both the European Parliament and the EU Council will need to reach a consensus on the matter.

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