Romania Not Affected By Gas Pipeline Explosion In Transdniester

Publicat: 01 04. 2009, 11:22
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:17

"We have not been affected so far. Transgaz did not send any notice," the secretary of state with the Economy Ministry Tudor Serban told MEDIAFAX.

Ioan Rus, the general manager with Romania’s state-owned gas pipeline operator Transgaz (TGN.RO) said the gas imports is set at normal levels and a decrease in volume is registered only at the main transit pipelines, which does not affect domestic consumption.

Also, Petre Tudor, general manager with thermal power plant Galati, one of the largest gas consumers, said the plant’s operations are not affected.

The gas transportation company Tiraspoltransgaz of Transdniester Wednesday morning announced that there was an explosion on a gas pipeline, which caused a halt in the Russian gas deliveries towards Europe.

One quarter of the EU natural gas consumption comes from Russia, while 80% of the pipelines are crossing Ukraine.

Romania imports natural gas only from Russia, through two points, namely eastern Isaccea 2, and northern Mediesul Aurit.