Romanian PM Very Upset With Approach To Case Of Romanian Dead In Poland
Tariceanu asked the foreign minister to draw up a report on the case by Thursday, which should include all the measures that were taken.
"I’ve seen how embassies and consulates of other countries get involved to protect the interests and rights of their citizens. I expect Romanian embassies, be they in Poland or elsewhere, to have the same attitude," Tariceanu said.
The prime minister also asked Cioroianu to inform him of any measures to be taken after the Foreign Ministry’s investigation, if any dysfunctional activity is found with the Romanian embassy in Poland or with Foreign Ministry employees.
"I don’t want the report to include just an ample description of the situation, but also a set of measures regarding those responsible of this tragedy,” Tariceanu said.
Romania’s foreign minister said Tuesday, in the presence of Polish ambassador to Bucharest Jacek Paliszeski, that the ministry sent a team to investigate the Romanian Embassy in Warsaw to establish the circumstances of the death of Claudiu Crulic, who died in a Polish hospital following an ignored hunger strike.